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No more blots! Try ZEUS Borrelia MTTT for your Lyme testing needs

Aug 19, 2022

Lyme disease immunoblots have never been a lab favorite.
Now there is a better algorithm that eliminates the need for them:
ZEUS Borrelia MTTT®

The ZEUS Borrelia Modified Two Tiered Testing (MTTT) algorithm improves detection of early Lyme disease by up to 30% compared to the Standard Two-Tiered Testing (STTT) algorithm.  The STTT algorithm requires a 2nd tier immunoblot, which adds subjectivity in results interpretation and reduces sensitivity in measuring acute Lyme disease.

No more blots!

The ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm consolidates both testing tiers with one ELISA method that follows ZEUS’s universal protocol.  See what you have been missing by using ZEUS’s MTTT algorithm and replace outdated immunoblots with a 2nd tier ELISA.


Benefits of testing with ZEUS Borrelia MTTT

 Easily adapts to your seasonal volume needs
 No subjective interpretations required
 Automated result transmission to LIS
 Decreased time spent on logistical challenges
 Faster results reporting; Multi-day to same day results reporting potential with screening and confirmation testing same day
 Confidence in results reporting – ZEUS Borrelia MTTT improves detection of early Lyme disease by up to 30% compared to the STTT algorithm 



 ZEUS all-ELISA Borrelia MTTT algorithm.
Two Tiers. One Method. Better Results.



Order the ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm today!

Visit zeuslyme.com, call 1.800.286.2111, or email orders@zeusscientific.com.



The ZEUS Scientific Team

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